Ionic vs NativeScript: Key Features & Differences Explained

Alicia Thomas
5 min readDec 1, 2021


We live in a cutting-edge world where there’s more than one method for doing likewise with various methodologies. This applies wherever including the tech world. Plenty of ideas and technologies are coming at the front each and every day, ruling out obsolete and conventional strategies. Not just tech goliath, each NativeScript development company seems like making the majority of the technology remain in front of the rest. To do as such, one should know about pioneer advances and present-day ideas which are demonstrated as cash turning viewpoints for most of the business verticals.

Mobile turns into a standard procedure. One thing that hasn’t changed over the course of the years is the impact of mobile apps on business associations. Portability keeps on driving deals and it is an astute choice to put resources into mobile app development as of now. While there is no direct recipe for making your app fruitful, giving equivalent consideration to a few elements can assist you with dominating the match. The variables might incorporate commitment proportion, time-to-advertise, openness, notable marketing technique, and spending plan of an app. From Ionic to NativeScript, these frameworks have been pushing businesses to come up with rich apps hence the rise of an ideal NativeScript development company or Ionic is necessary.

Cross-Platform App Development: Agile, Advanced, and Accurate

Cross-platform apps can run on different platforms utilizing a similar code base which draws in numerous developers and associations to accept it. It is one of the most-examined subjects of this period with the first-rate structures, devices, and advances.

Native apps, on the opposite side, are assembled utilizing a particular language for a particular mobile working framework (Object C for iOS and Java for Android). Many accept that native apps offer unrivaled client experience and functionalities that can’t coordinate by different sorts of apps.

Hybrid apps feel like native app.

Going in fact, a Hybrid app is really a web app developed utilizing web technologies, for example, HTML5 and JavaScript, and afterward enclosed by a native app. Because of their minimal expense, quicker an ideal opportunity to market, and high plausibility, it is amazingly well known among developers and business firms to create an app that stumbles into every one of the platforms in the low financial plan without a significant think twice about client experience.

How about we look at the contrasts among them and investigate their advantages and disadvantages bit by bit.

Development Approach


Right now, Ionic 4 is going to hit the market after the effective dispatch of Ionic 3 and Ionic 2. It is normal that another variant of Ionic should outfit with many new elements and upgrades that can take Hybrid app development to a higher level. That’s why people are looking to hire Ionic app developers.

Ionic is advanced generally since its starting point and has a reasonable future in the app development market according to the current situation. With Ionic, you can assemble a solitary app for a long time utilizing web technologies. It utilizes modules like PhoneGap/Cordova to convey the native-like insight.


As they have referenced on its authority site, NativeScript is an open-source structure for building really native mobile apps with Vue.js, JavaScript, or TypeScript and Angular.

The momentous component of NativeScript is that you can get to native APIs utilizing JavaScript. NativeScript apps offer platform native UI utilizing current languages and mix like Angular, Vue.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS. The appropriate and effective NativeScript development company should be able to provide you with the best solutions.

“For remote, the NativeScript plugin builds when publishing and running the NativeScript apps without the env. setup.”

History And Current Trends


Ionic offers the total answer for Hybrid mobile app development. Ionic was made in 2013 by Drifty who recently created items like Codiqa and Jetstrap. Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley chose to think of something imaginative that would satisfy the cutting edge web guidelines and that is the means by which they dispatched Ionic.

As indicated by Wikipedia, an Ionic developer supposedly made over 1.3M apps with the SDK. As of now, there is a great deal of buzz around Ionic 3 and Ionic 4, and the latest delivery, Ionic 4 (a beta variant is as of now out) is power loaded with cutting-edge features.

Also, we’re taking it much further by embracing new Angular tooling and elements, guaranteeing that Ionic apps observe Angular guidelines and shows, an advantage quickly from new Angular features the native area brings to the table.


It is an open-source platform and gives direct admittance to any native API and part utilizing JavaScript. It is intended to use web abilities, for example, JavaScript, Angular, and CSS to assemble native, cross-platform apps.

NativeScript development has acquired in prevalence worldwide because of its unprecedented features and ability to develop native apps for iOS and Android.

Here are some sponsorship focuses which may assist you with perceiving the prevalence of this structure. Before long the public delivered in March 2015, it got 3000 GitHub Stars and north of 1500 supporters on Twitter. There are more than 700 modules are accessible on the lookout.

Progress, organizer of NativeScript named a “visionary” in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile App Dev Platforms (MADP).

Key Differences Between Ionic & NativeScript

Not at all like NativeScript, Ionic requirements modules to cover app in native appearance. What’s more, it very well may be managed with next to no problem through order line instrument.

They nearly do exactly the same thing with various models. The apps are, notwithstanding, cross-platform apps whether you utilize Ionic or NativeScript. Both, Ionic and NativeScript influence AngularJS which is, once more, very useful for developers and associations.

Where NativeScript Wins Over Ionic?

The clients of the NativeScript structure are developing quickly. There are something else and more developers and examples of overcoming adversity are added to the NativeScript people group. To the extent usability and client experience are considered, NativeScript wins the fight. It offers sound design through mobile prepared elements which will at some point or another; take NativeScript structure on a lot more significant level.

When Is Ionic Your Go-To Framework?

Ionic app development conveys amazing execution across every one of the platforms. The vital advantage of Ionic isn’t the occasional development or an update. It permits you to hire Ionic app developers and to use Angular and this equivalent reflects in Ionic 2 and 3. An ideal Ionic developer would know when to use one.

In any case, it depends on WebViews to develop the interface and utilizations modules to get to devise equipment features.


The above information has been carefully scurtinized and conducted upon dedicated research. We hope your doubt will be cleared upon reading this. The differences and the development approach between Ionic & NativeScript can tell which one you should go with keeping the requirements in mind.



Alicia Thomas
Alicia Thomas

Written by Alicia Thomas


Relationship Manager, Connecting and working with like-minded people to bridge the gap of web & mobile app development requirements.

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