How Much Does it Cost to Build a Food-Delivery App like UberEats or GrubHub?

Alicia Thomas
7 min readApr 7, 2022

Is it precise to say that you are pondering food delivery app development anyway uncertain of how you ought to go concerning it?

Expecting you are pondering explicit requests like:

  • Why is placing assets into a food delivery app a savvy thought?
  • How to cultivate a consistent on-demand food delivery development?
  • Which components to facilitate in the food delivery app?
  • What will be the cost of an on-demand food delivery app development?

If yes! Then, you’re in the best spot, in this blog we will address all of your questions and requests concerning on-demand Food delivery app development.

What Precisely Is On-demand Food Delivery App Development?

The food delivery business has become all through the long term. With the suggestion of portable apps, this industry has served more clients by making it client-organized. Food delivery apps give vital comfort and decisions to the clients. It allows the clients to book any food dish from various restaurants and burger joints. The food things get conveyed to their doorstep with few locations on the screen at an unprecedented speed.

Why Invest in Food Delivery Apps Like Uber Eats?

The food delivery industry is one of the most notable today, giving an issue-free technique for peopling to organize their dinners and offering adventures an optimal opportunity to bounce into the money vehicle. This circle has consistently shown immense development, yet exclusively after COVID-19 broke out did monetary supporters genuinely start to consider a go-to decision for their business. So if you contemplate making a food delivery application like UberEats, it’s extremely the ideal open door!

As shown by Statista, pay in the online food delivery portion is projected to show up at US$306,808m in 2021, with a development of 16.6% in 2022. As of now, we understand that it is a winning idea for companies to get cash, lets’s talk a touch more concerning the particular benefits of making this platform for the two clients and monetary sponsor.

For a typical client, the professionals of a food delivery application are undeniable. They get an opportunity with basically a tap on a versatile screen to pick and get any supper at all never. A restaurant delivering app development has surprised the world for explicit reasons.

Nevertheless, endeavors, bistro owners, and monetary patrons can dole out the retribution more advantages of custom food delivery application development, including Broadening business reach, as new and standard clients can orchestrate food more direct from their diner. Moreover, more people will endeavor their dishes by delivering them and thereafter possibly return as visitors.

In this best-in-class world, the top food delivery solutions have at this point changed into compelling companies with multi-million dollar yearly livelihoods. Yet the field is delivered, there are at this point many openings that can be filled by your portable application. Furthermore, there are generally essential variables to consider while hoping to begin your online food delivery app.

5 Factors Affecting the Food Delivery App Development Cost

Preceding dispatching another food delivery app, you should coordinate a lot of exploration and orchestrate to expect that you expect an exceptional yield on the endeavor. This is the reason we accumulated these standards incorporates that Uber eats recall for their app, which impacts the cost of building a food delivery app.

Continuous location tracking

This component is authentically not an unquestionable necessity-have for any app, yet expecting you want to make something that will secure interest, you should consider it. Using this decision, clients won’t just follow the request yet additionally track down harmony of mind during the unpleasant time in the consummation of the requested delivery. This component is beneficial for the clients, in any case, restaurant owners will moreover be more aware of this situation of the delivery kid.

Spring up messages

Alerts are associated with our normal schedules, similar to other apps that we have used to enlighten us about different things. The comparable happens with food delivery apps. Starting from the request affirmation till the getting a request, every progression could be told to the client using the spring-up messages. This is especially important today as a considerable number of individuals are not enthused about calls and truly prefer to be taught through messages.

Continuous Research

This component will impact the cost of making a food delivery app, as it is controlled by the DB framework and calculations. Nonetheless, it can similarly provoke the development of the whole business process since its incorporation helps in doing the different sorts of investigation related to this circle. They consolidate pay reports, driving business by the number, pay projections, and some more.

Payment Systems

The payment framework is an unquestionable necessity that has an element that should be executed in the food delivery company. Despite the way that it additionally impacts the cost of uber eats like app development, this decision can moreover help your thing with happening to the rest of the contenders. This framework helps in making it conceivable to join all payment decisions available today. This similarly works with the payment interaction.

CMS for news and articles

CMS is a Content Management System programming that is for the most part executed to make and change content on a particular site. If all else fails, a CMS serves more than one client in a joint local area environment, where each client will get access either to exceptional highlights or all significant ones to make, read, revive and delete content. Since various kinds of surveys for the apps are stayed aware of by the director, the CMS framework can manage its own similarly to eatery audits. Eatery delivering app development when done right can get your business places. You can hire mobile app developers for your food regarding development requirements.

Features To Be Included In An App like Uber Eats or Grubhub

  1. Registration/Log in

From here the client could seek after the app. A couple of decisions may be given, for instance, sign in through Facebook, Twitter, versatile, etc Assuming that a singular signs up through a portable, they will get an approval code to additional methods.

2. Fundamental Page

Experiences concerning the restaurant are to be accessible on the chief page. Everything about as far as possible, bearing, food classes, veg/non-veg, home delivery, opening, and closing time are referred to on the home screen.

The photographs of dishes prepared by the eateries, their expense, and the number of calories present in food are referred to.

3. Reviews

Clients can see reviews s of restaurants given by various clients to eat in. Positive reviews attract clients.

4. Client Profile

Keeping a client profile is central as it gives naturally suspected to the inclinations of the client. The app will present simply the restaurants loved by a particular client that has a positive rating and is near him.

5. Geo-location

Adding the geo-location highlight is an unquestionable necessity since it allows the client to give permission to the area. Clients can observe any eateries near him/them.

Another component that can be added is that each time a client walks around an eatery auxiliary with the app he/she will get a notification that a particular restaurant is nearby.

6. Online Orders

The latest component joins online orders. A strong information base is expected to unmistakably run online orders. clients will be instructed concerning the solution, goal, and appearance of their solicitation.

7. Payment Systems

More noteworthy payment decisions will attract the client. An app like Uber Eats grants the client to pay ensuing to having a gala at the restaurant.

For online orders, clients can pay through PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, or (COD) money down.

8. Admin

If we will as a general rule raise the admin board, it will take around sixty hours to make this page. This page is n

What Amount Does It Cost to Develop a Food Delivery App like Uber Eats or Similar?

Regardless of the way that there are numerous components that along with extra to the evaluation of food delivery app development cost, we will endeavor to present to you a predominant consideration what sum would it cost to start a food delivery app the response to which will be a cruel rule?

Contingent upon the features you are expecting to add to your food delivery portable app and the resources that you would need to get your app transformed from the solution to the dispatch platform, the cost of encouraging a food-delivery service as Uber eats would approach $35,000 to $40,000.

This proportion of money won’t look so astounded when we look at the development group and their expenses exclusively. How about we stick to a typical expense for an all-out group that has two-three months to finish the endeavor. Your assignment will require the accompanying people:

  • 3 Front-end developers for internal mobile app development (30$/hour)
  • 2–3 Back-end developers for AP, controlling correspondence and payment framework inside the app (30$\hour)
  • UX/UI organizers for the critical solution of the app (15–20$/hour)
  • DevOps developers for controlling mobile value (50–60$/hour)

You can ever hire mobile app developers who are well versed in food delivery app development and will give unmistakable information on the cost of building an app for the best plan. As of now, you have come to acknowledge what sum does it cost to cultivate a portable app like Uber Eats, Swiggy, and Uber Eats, nevertheless hanging out there at last and providing referred above features with the cost of online food delivery app development could change.

Therefore, before beginning an on-demand food delivery app, it is essential to start research about flexibility subject to the food delivery app development company you utilized the expense or cost might rely on different variables.


Nevertheless, when you hire a reexamined group or the best food ordering app development company having some aptitude in app development, the cost is for the most part lower than we referred to. You should in like manner review that when you consider food delivery app development, you want to find a group with a legitimate foundation, so your app will contain all of the essential components for progress.

Every component referred to above has been joined into the apps delivered by our food ordering app development company. Accepting you have something innovative solution to be combined, we hold the authority to consolidate that too. We stay aware of both information and fitness when it is concerning food delivery app development. We have executed the latest advances for the before famous app for expected clients and we are impervious to inclusion to make an app as you like.



Alicia Thomas

Relationship Manager, Connecting and working with like-minded people to bridge the gap of web & mobile app development requirements.